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Philosophy coffee break - What is philosophy?

Stacja Kultura zaprasza 19 listopada o 18:00 na spotkanie dyskusyjne "Filozofia przy kawie". Zastanowimy się czym jest filozofia, jak zmieniała się na przestrzeni wieków, a także porozmawiamy o tym czy filozofia może być użyteczna w codziennym życiu. To okazja do podzielenia się swoimi przemyśleniami i nurtującymi was pytaniami. A to wszystko w miłej atmosferze, przy filiżance kawy. Wstęp wolny.

Uwaga! Zajęcia odbywają się w języku angielskim. Spotkania poprowadzi Giorgio Vara, mgr filozofii, Włoch pracujący w Stacji Kultura w charakterze wolontariusza.

Philosophy coffee break: "What is philosophy?"
"Indeed, human beings began to philosophize, now as in origin, because of wonder" (Aristotle, Metaphysics)
"What is your aim in philosophy? -To show the fly the way out of the fly-bottle" (Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations)
The philosophical problem that will be introduced and discussed during the first meeting of "Philosophy coffee break" will be philosophy itself. Indeed, what is philosophy? It is commonly
believed that philosophy is a discipline totally different from science, concerning the study of general and abstract problems which cannot be really solved. According to this view, everyone can say what he/she wants in philosophy, that's why philosophers have spent their time contradicting each other and why they have always tackled the same problems over the time. Additionally, philosophy does not seem to be related to our everyday life nor to serve any purpose.
Is this common view correct? What is philosophy exactly? What is its aim? How do philosophers work? Does philosophy make progress over the time? Are philosophical problems related to our
ordinary life? And is philosophy actually useful? We will have a cup of coffee and we will try to answer these questions by considering how philosophers of different periods (from Plato to Ludwig Wittgenstein up to today's philosophers) have tried to reply to them. The participants will be invited to take part in the discussion actively
by giving their ideas, opinions and arguments for or against the philosophical theories illustrated.

Philosophy coffee break is a series of meetings aimed at spreading philosophy and promoting the development of critical thinking skills. The idea is introducing and discussing a traditional philosophical problem in a nice atmosphere while drinking a cup of coffee. During each meeting a traditional philosophical question will be introduced and we will consider how philosophers have tried to answer it over the time debating also on that. The participants will be invited to take part in the discussion actively by giving their ideas, opinions and arguments for or against the philosophical theories illustrated. The meetings will start in November. They will be held in English language and they will be opened to everyone. The participation will not require a preliminary knowledge of philosophy. The meetings will be organized and conducted by the Italian volunteer Giorgio Vara (bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Ethical Sciences at the University of Palermo, Italy and master's degree in Philosophy at the University of Turin, Italy).


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