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Spotkanie podróżnicze Na nartach przez Grenlandię

Zapraszamy na spotkanie podróżnicze "Na nartach przez Grenlandię"

maj 7

wtorek, godz. 12:00, 19:00

bilety 95-110 zł
maj 24

piątek, godz. 11:30

bilety 26-37 zł
Kup bilet
Były ambasador Republiki Czeskiej w Kopenhadze Zdeněk Lyčka (obecnie dyrektor Czeskiego Instytutu Kultury w Pradze) opowie o swojej przeprawie na nartach przez grenlandzki lądolód. Spotkanie odbędzie się w języku angielskim.

Crossing Greenland on Skis

A four-men Danish-Czech BIG ICE EXPEDITION 2011 across the Greenlandic Ice-Cap (from Kangerlussuaq in the West to Tasiilaq in the East) lasted for 30 days. Nearly 600 km was carried out on skis in the coldest April ever recorded in this part of the world. After a 10-day-march, the expedition visited the former American warning radar station Dye-2, and after further almost 20 days it ended up at the East Coast. With frozen fingers and toes, the expediton members were happy to be able to fulfill such a heavy task and will never forget this trip. Even in the 21th century, equipped with all possible technological innovations and instruments, explorers on such a long and exhausting track could also die...

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